July 29, 2014
Protea - Flower Print
When my grandmother passed away last year in September, it wasn't a shock, she was 86, but I was shocked. You see for as long as I can remember (being as young as 5 years of age) she always talked about dying, and death. It wasn't that she was morbid, quite the contrary, she just felt like any day now she could go. As the years progressed, whenever she said she was going to die, we would smile, and she would join in. The whole family would talk about how she would probably outlive us all! So when she finally passed away on the 3rd of September in 2013, I was surprised. I expected her to live forever.
The only way to express my love, and feeling for her was in painting this extraordinarily bright and over the top Protea. the thing I remember about her most is her resilience, how funny she was, and in more practical ways, how she was happiest in her garden. Her life literally revolved around the seasons. When to sow, when to plant, when to trim, work the soil... she was always out there in her magnificent flower garden. And it was massive. Her backyard was quite literally a park.
So it's taken almost a year, but I'm ready to share, and this print is now available in the store.
I think it's safe to say the Protea is a celebration of love. It is for me. And the magic part in all of this is that we all have our special moments, and stories. The people who move us, and help us to grow into the people we are. You can't beat that!
Protea ©inaluxe - Kristina Sostarko (the logo does not appear on the print itself) |
Art work by Kristina ©inaluxe: Kristina Sostarko