
Another working week is over, and the crispy ice cold weather we have makes me wonder if we will have snow soon?  It's not typical to have snow here (much to our disappointment) but if we keep finding the deck covered in ice, surely we can assume snow will follow! A bit of wishful thinking there.  Jason and I are looking forward to keeping warm indoors, looking through some of our new books, as well as catching up on some super aces films! Hot chocolate will be had in abundance.  And some red wine if I feel extra cheeky! 

We have been sneaking in design time over the last fortnight, and finally finished this piece, titled Shimmer.  It's part of the inaluxe circle family, and firmly takes it's roots from  Keep It Simple Circle which we created almost four years ago! I can't believe so much time has passed.  While Keep It Simple Circle has a somewhat austere personality, Shimmer is more about the way light interacts with colour, and reflection, and movement was a big factor in the design.  Think wonderful early morning walks, and the soft light hitting dew on the leaves of a tree... what pretty colours these little moments make!  

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