May 23, 2010
a fine week
The weather has been absolutely sublime this week. Our first week in our first home. All very exciting really. We have cracked hands, bruises from moving trolleys with minds of their own, sore necks, heads, and feet almost beyond saving, but every day has been totally amazing. We worked on the garden the last few days, as some of our plants were not in pots, but rather bare rooted. They are almost all in the ground now. It's getting there. So much to do, so much to look forward to, and so much we just love. Anyway, enough rambling from me, the photo collage below is from our house, taken this morning. All three items were purchased in the last month from around here. The plastic yellow lamp shade came from Beaufort, while the ceramic squirrel and magazine rack were purchased in Stawell. All second hand, and all vintage. I'd love to share some other photos of the house with you, but there is still too much to do, and lots of boxes to open. Hope you're all having a great weekend, and before I go, I nearly forgot to mention that both the inaluxe madeit and etsy shops are now open. And I will be getting my teeth into those email replies this week too. See you soon.